McCartney, Paul & Wings - One Hand Clapping

one hand clapping

mccartney, paul & wings


Kiadó: Universal
Lemezek száma: 2
Megjelenés dátuma: 2024-06-14
UPC: 0602465081640
Termékazonosító: 9E6342

További formátumok
Vinyl LP18 290,-
Vinyl LP48 590,-
9 590,-


- Disc 1 -

1 One Hand Clapping
2 Jet
3 Soily
4 C Moon/Little Woman Love
5 Maybe I'm Amazed
6 My Love
7 Bluebird
8 Let's Love
9 All of You
10 I'll Give You a Ring
11 Band on the Run
12 Live and Let Die
13 Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
14 Baby Face

- Disc 2 -

1 Let Me Roll It
2 Blue Moon of Kentucky
3 Power Cut
4 Love My Baby
5 Let It Be
6 The Long and Winding Road/Lady Madonna
7 Junior's Farm
8 Sally G
9 Tomorrow
10 Go Now
11 Wild Life
12 Hi, Hi, Hi


2CD + Booklet + Poster

50 years after their initial recording, the 
sessions for Wings' One Hand Clapping 
will be released for the very first time. 

Discs 1 and 2 are newly mixed with 12 
tracks that didn't appear in the original film, 
including reworked extracts of Beatles classics. 

The package includes original artwork, 
plus a TV brochure created for the film.
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